SAFD members created beautiful wreaths for Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Church's monthly Bingo Night with The Gathering Group of folks suffering with memory loss or caring for those who are! We also made gorgeous fresh floral arrangements to Northwest Health and Rehab Center of Cali Drive for their dining hall tables!
Here is a pic of the entire group, plus Linda Jackson who took the photo, who helped make these fabulous wreaths and arrangements!
Here is our President Pamela Bates
Here is our newest member Cindy Newsome who joined earlier that week at the SAFD meeting!
Here are all of the arrangements we made ready to be delivered!
For her first workshop, Cindy Newsome did a wonderful job! See, everyone can make arrangements! We'll teach you!
Here is Pam Dube who is SAFD Community Affairs Chairman who organized this fabulous workshop! She also delivered all of these fresh floral arrangements!