Friday, February 27, 2015

Seeds of Faith Gala Designs-Turner Syndrome Awareness

The Seeds of Faith Gala benefited the Leaping Butterfly Ministry in support of the Turner Syndrome Community! SAFD members made 24 arrangements to help with this gala! Gorgeous and beautiful work was done! If you'd like to learn more about Turner Syndrome, please visit

Leaping Butterfly is a non-profit organization and is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to serve the Turner Syndome community with support, spiritual growth, encouragement, and compassion. If you'd like to learn more about the Leaping Butterfly, you may visit

SAFD Team for this event!

SAFD Team for this event!


Working hard!



Here is Dianne Abrahams with her arrangement! She is the one who put together the SAFD team and found all the necessary information to help make this happen! Thank you Dianne!